It has been two months since my last blog entry. I thought when summer was here I would have time to write more, but that has not turned out to be the case. No matter...I'll fill you all in on our vacation, our summer, our fun once school starts back and the house is quiet.
For now, I am enjoying some precious things. Among them...
A day with Maisy today, shopping for Caitlyn's 15th birthday.
Caitlyn finding out yesterday that her drama teacher wants her to play the lead in the spring play.
A new color of nail polish that I am having a fit to try...Essie's Mink Muffs.
Chance's excitement over the National League winning the All Star game last night.
Harry's slow but sure progress on the big boy toilet.
The stack of birthday gifts with MY name on them, sitting on the chest in the dining room, all picked out and wrapped by my Caitlyn.
Charley's new ring, which was ordered yesterday.
My new church home, Winder First United Methodist, where I already feel so welcome I feel like an old timer.
My eight beautiful Chinese mantids that Aunt Barbara and Uncle Hubert found for me.
The quick, professional service of Northeast Georgia Medical Center, where I left my gallbladder last Friday.
My special order of Magic Hat summer sampler that is waiting to be picked up for my birthday party.
My upcoming birthday party with Charley and the children.
The fact that I finished my first Peachtree Road Race.
My friends Ben Whitten and Wayne Babb, who made Chance's day with their surprise gift.
My brown-eyed girls and my blue-eyed boys, who have made this a very special summer.
My memories of a childhood filled with pranks and teasing from Uncle Nolan, who would have been 70 on July 11.
My iPhone...I still don't know how I ever lived without it.
Trades at GameStop.
Copper Creek Brewing Company in Athens, Georgia.
The ability to look at 38 approaching rapidly in the rearview mirror with nothing but laughter and ambition.
My old friends, my new friends, and my friends of the know who you are.
Enjoying a summer with my old sweetheart...nearly 25 years ago we had our first date. It has only improved, and we have improved with it.
The complete joy of having FOUR parents between us that love us and support us, even when we get a little off track.
The 70 pounds that was left somewhere between July 2009 and July 2010. Only 20 more to go until I can fit back into my wedding dress.
The lovely little arthropods that click their claws and patiently wait for crickets to drop from the sky.
So you see...the summer is not wasted. It is relished...spent poolside with friends, tableside with family and friends, and on the sofa watching Spongebob Season 3 with my little people. I'll get back into my blog, of course, when the house is quiet and the bus has left. For now, I'm racking up stories and snuggling down with what makes life important!
Only a couple more weeks until we can laugh with delight at all the stories you have waiting to be told!